Tuesday, July 9, 2024  Pictured below is Brother Fred (“Clem”) Campbell from Belvedere Lodge #388 in Belvedere, SC (Left) receiving his Honorary Membership Card from WM Phil Workman (Right) at our July Regular Communication meeting.  Brother Clem comes to our Lodge frequently whenever he is staying in our area and helps us out wherever and whenever he can.  We welcome him as an Honorary Member of Myrtle Beach Lodge 353.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024  The picture below was taken at our June Regular Communication, of our Myrtle Beach 353 Brothers along with visitors from other local lodges, and with our WM Phil Workman (center) are special visitors RWB Tommy Watson, Deputy Grand Master on his right and RWB Randy Durant, 29th District Deputy Grand Master on his left.


Monday, May 13, 2024  On Monday, May 13th, eleven members of Myrtle Beach 353 visited Conway Lodge 65, and captured their flag and the Traveling Gavel.  Pictured below are WM Phil Workman, holding Conway’s flag (L), Brother Frank Haney with the Traveling Gavel (C) and Conway 65 WM Jason McCoy (R).  Thanks to all the Myrtle Beach 353 Brothers who participated



April 24 – 26, 2024  SC Grand Lodge was held in Charleston Wednesday, April 24th thru Friday, April 26th.  WB Phil Workman, Senior Warden Brother Ed Vanderbilt, Junior Warden Brother Dino Barr and RWB Myron Creel attended the meetings, along with Secretary RWB Don Cox, DDGM of 29th District – all representing our Lodge.  It was RWB Don Cox’s final “official” attendance as DDGM after a three-year appointment.  Pictured below are RWB Don Cox with his wife, Jane at the Thursday night Grand Lodge banquet.


Thursday, April 18, 2024  A memorable date for Myrtle Beach 353!  On Thursday, April 18th the Lodge conferred the Master Mason Degree on six Brothers, five from our Lodge and one as a courtesy for Murrells Inlet 368. Pictured below are our newly raised  Master Masons – from (L) to (R) are Brother Hunter Todd, Brother John Ingram III, Brother William Pietrucha, Brother Joshua Poole (from Murrells Inlet 368), Brother Vincent Padavano and Brother Joseph Baldwin.  Congratulations Brothers, and welcome!  We look forward to your participation in Lodge meetings and events.


Thursday, March 28, 2024 Myrtle Beach Lodge 353 had an EA Degree for three Candidates on Thursday, March 28, 2024.  This was truly a “family” moment, since they were each related to an active Master Mason or another EA in our Lodge.  Pictured below are, from (L) to (R): Brother Christopher Mantal (father of EA, Brother Von Mantal), Brother William “Bill” Leckie (father of our Steward, Brother Billy Leckie) and Brother Bradley Leckie (son of the aforementioned William “Bill” Leckie and brother of the same Brother Billy Leckie, Steward).  Congratulations Brothers!  We look forward to you all taking your next steps toward becoming Master Masons, and welcome your family connections into our Lodge. 


Thursday, March 21, 2024  When Seaside Lodge 419 held a Master Mason Degree on Thursday, March 21st, Myrtle Beach Lodge 353 was invited to include two of our Brothers to the Degree.  The Degree was conferred by the 29th District Master & Wardens Club.  Pictured below are Brother Alan Kalisky (L) and Brother Mark Spence (R) who are proud to have become Myrtle Beach Lodge 353’s newest Master Masons.  Congratulations, Brothers!  And we thank Master & Wardens Club for conferring the Degree and Seaside Lodge 419 for hosting it. 


Thursday, February 29, 2024  We have another new FC….  Brother William Pietrucha took his FellowCraft at Graddy Lodge 257 on Thursday, February 29, 2024.  Congratulations to you, Brother Pietrucha and we thank Graddy Lodge 257 for putting on this Degree for him.


Thursday, February 22, 2024  There was an FC Degree at Myrtle Beach Lodge 353 on Thursday, February 22, 2024.  There were four Brothers taking their FC Degree.  Pictured below, from (L) to (R) are Brother Mark Spence, Brother Alan Kalisky, Brother John Ingram III and Brother Hunter Todd.  We congratulate these Brothers and look forward to supporting them as they prepare to take their next degree and become Master Masons of Myrtle Beach 353.


Thursday, January 18, 2024  The Myrtle Beach Lodge 353 Brothers put on their first degree of the year on Thursday, January 18, 2024.  Taking their EA Degree were Candidates John Ingram III and Von Mantal.  We congratulate them both as they completed their first step toward becoming a Master Mason, and look forward to supporting them as they journey on through the next two Degrees.  Pictured below are Brother John Ingram III (L) and Brother Von Mantal (R).



Tuesday, December 12, 2023  Installation of the 2024 Officers took place at the December 12, 2023 Ladies Night and Open Installation. 

The list of the 2024 Officers are as follows – Congratulations to all!

Worshipful Master  Brother Phil Workman
Senior Warden Brother Ed Vanderbilt
Junior Warden Brother Dino Barr
Treasurer  Brother Eric Watson
Secretary RWB Don Cox
Senior Deacon Brother Jay Dennis
Junior Deacon Brother Tim Lawrence
Steward Brother John Pezzuti
Steward Brother Billy Leckie
Chaplain WB Steve Kahn
Tiler Brother Frank Haney
Marshal Brother Adam Merritt